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How to Deal with Intrusive Thoughts 

Intrusive thoughts are those thoughts that enter your mind and may cause anxiety and hyperfocus on those thoughts.  These thoughts...

Facing Grief in Covid Times

Facing Grief in Covid Times

My father died suddenly almost 56 ago. He was 56 when he died, and he would have been 112 years...

Creating Safety

Creating Safety

Every day we see the headlines and read the newsfeed – the latest Corona surge is running amuck; the most...

The Benefits of Long-Term Therapy

The Benefits of Long-Term Therapy

There does not seem to be an agreed upon definition of long-term psychotherapy. I have been a psychotherapist in private...

DV(Domestic Violence) Poem

DV(Domestic Violence) Poem

This poem is dedicated to all the women I have known in my personal and professional life who have been...

Discovering that you are Worthy

Discovering that you are Worthy

Feeling unworthy can adversely affect the quality of your life.  Read on to examine this issue. Ask yourself these questions:...


How Rejection can Crush and make you Stronger

Rejection can be the most painful, disheartening, soul crushing experience we can have. It is also a universal daily occurrence that we can never really prepare for. A long term relationship abruptly ends without warning. It is shattering to be blindsided in this manner and it effects how you relate to others you are close to. You may become guarded and notice that you are keeping your distance from friends and lovers. Your heart seems

We were Married 41 Years Ago Today

Dear Gail, We were married in the middle of Kansas in the middle of day and in the middle of turmoil in America. You were dressed in white complete with a bonnet and I was wearing a rented tux and a top hat like the dancers wore at the end of Blazing Saddles. Your mother said, “Take that clown hat off” and I immediately followed her orders even though it was my wedding. The festivities

10 Ways to Stick to an Exercise Program

How many times have you started an exercise program only to lose motivation in a short period of time? I bet that this happens to millions of people around the world and you are tired of being part of that demographic. You may lose motivation because you don’t notice quick results, you feel too exhausted to work out, your schedule overwhelms you and that is an obstacle to making time to exercise. You may be

How Exercise can Change the World: Discovering your Hidden Self

I awoke to a sunny San Francisco morning and miraculously fog was nowhere to be seen. The day looked bright, but I was not feeling it. Pessimism and self-doubt ruled my world today. I was feeling tired, uninspired and fed up. I wasn’t sure what was troubling me and I knew damn well I wouldn’t figure out what is wrong by staring at a computer screen, playing with my phone or some other mindless activity.

It’s Tough to be a Man in America

It is the twenty first century and gender roles have evolved from the 1950’s working father and housewife mother. But, how significantly have these roles changed? Men are still assigned superior status over women in our sexist society. Men are given permission to dominate and conquer. Men are allowed to show anger, but not sadness. Anger in men is viewed as assertive and sadness is perceived as a character flaw. This all comes with a

The Importance of Feeling Safe

Many of us have that anxious feeling running through our bodies on a regular basis. That feeling comes in a variety of states; from intense five alarm bells loudly ringing to fear running in the background of our thoughts. When this happens, folks can withdraw socially, rely on substances or get caught up in drama to escape this feeling of impending doom. We walk through life fearful of looking at what causes this overwhelming worry.

How Negative Energy Effects Adults, Teenagers and Children: What We Can Do To Change it

Negative energy has a profound effect on adults, teens and children. People who carry around this adverse attitude can appear to be very powerful to those in their presence. Negative energy is expressed by put downs of you or your friends. These comments are stated either directly to you or behind your back. The comments may be an accurate description of how this person feels or they may be made up in order to accelerate

Mourning the Loss of Richie Havens

The first time I saw and heard Richie Havens was at the infamous Woodstock Music and Art Fair at Bethel, New York on August 15, 1969. This was a pivotal moment for me and was an amazing transition to adulthood. I had recently graduated from high school in Highland Park, New Jersey and I was soon to be on my way to one of the only colleges that would have me. It was located in

My Date with Death

I have been thinking about the fourth anniversary of the day I almost died. It was on April 15, 2009 when I was out for my regular five mile run when the electrical system in my heart began to drastically fail. I fainted, but found the strength to rise up and walk back home. A couple weeks later, I ended up in the hospital emergency with a heart rate of 24(normal heart rate is around

How Children Cope with High Conflict Divorce: How are they Harmed and what can Parents do to help them

A high conflict divorce is where marriage ends and war begins. Children are frequently unwittingly used as pawns in this high stakes, emotionally bloody demolition. Kids find different ways to cope in a system that includes children and two parents who absolutely despise each other. This is a hatred that doesn’t ease up over the passing of time; no these bitter feelings tend to increase and escalate as the years go by. I talked about




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